NoriZite™ Nasal Spray blocks infection with Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant in cell culture
New evidence demonstrates that NoriZite creates a physical barrier to prevent viral infection
Birmingham Biotech LTD today announces new evidence from the University of Birmingham that shows NoriZite™ Nasal Spray can block the infection of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 in lab-based tests.{1} These promising new laboratory findings provide further experimental evidence that NoriZite™ creates a physical barrier that can help to prevent viral infection.
A powerful physical barrier against viruses
NoriZite™ is an easy-to-use nasal device designed to block and trap inhaled viral particles. The unique formulation was developed in the Healthcare Technologies Institute at the University of Birmingham in 2021. Laboratory studies at the time showed that the NoriZite™ formulation can block the SARS-CoV-2 infection of cells, in culture. The research confirmed the complete inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection for up to 48 hours when exposed to the unique blend of carrageenan and gellan gum.{2}
In new emerging research, the University of Birmingham researchers have further demonstrated the ability of NoriZite™ to create a physical barrier against other variants. Using an experimental cell culture set-up, the researchers created an environment where the spray formed a physical barrier between the cells and virus. They then observed over 48 hours to see if any of the virus could penetrate the barrier and cause infection. The research was conducted by the Stamataki research group at the university’s Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy.
The researchers found that the layer of NoriZite™ Nasal spray was able to completely block diffusion of the different strains, preventing any infection of the cells. In the absence of the NoriZite™ Nasal Spray layer, all virus strains diffused through to infect cells, leading to cell death. These results suggest that NoriZite™ can prevent viruses from infecting local cells by providing a powerful barrier that physically blocks virus particles.
The data is currently held on file by Birmingham Biotech LTD, and the University of Birmingham researchers plan to submit a fuller set of data for publication in the next few months.
Figure 1: Fluorescence micrographs of the cells following incubation with viral suspension. In cells treated with a layer of NoriZite™ Nasal Spray, no infection was observed for any variant of SARS-CoV-2.
Long-lasting retention
There is a growing body of evidence to support that nasal sprays designed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection could improve our defences against other respiratory viruses.{3} However, one major challenge remains: how to keep the spray in the nasal lining long enough to be consistently effective?
“Our formulation has been carefully designed with ingredients that form a scientifically proven, powerful barrier to viruses entering the body. If nasal spray formulations are too thin, they will drip out of the nose, meaning they are ineffective or have to be re-applied frequently,” explains Michael Hsu, Managing Director at Birmingham Biotech. “NoriZite™ has a carefully balanced viscosity that means it covers up to six times more surface area than many other standard sprays on the market, whilst also being retained in the nose for up to six hours after each application.”
Dr Richard Moakes from the University of Birmingham commented, “NoriZite™ Nasal Spray has a multi-factorial approach to preventing infection. Not only does it maximise the use of carrageenan, which literature shows us to have anti-viral effects, but its viscous formulation means that it can trap the virus as it cannot diffuse through it – as we have demonstrated in our lab studies.”
An extra tool in our arsenal against winter viruses
“With NHS leaders warning of an impending ‘tripledemic’ of COVID-19, flu and record demand on urgent and emergency services, we understand that many people are looking to protect themselves and their loved ones this winter,” said Michael Hsu. “NoriZite™ Nasal Spray can be used in environments where the risk of exposure to airborne viruses is high, such as public transport, Christmas parties and large gatherings, offering an additional layer of protection and peace of mind.”
Buy now:
NoriZite™ is currently available through our website - Buy Now.
It is expected to arrive in store and online at pharmacies in the coming months.
Pocket sized 10ml – £9.99
20ml – £15.99
{1} Data held on file by Birmingham Biotech LTD
{2} Moakes, R. et al. Formulation of a Composite Nasal Spray Enabling Enhanced Surface Coverage and Prophylaxis of SARS-COV-2. Advanced Materials. 2021. 33(26), 2008304.
{3} Kozlov, M. Could a nose spray a day keep COVID away? Nature News. 2022.